The Alexander Technique Week

It’s here! Alexander Technique Week! This is the week that we are all supposed to have community events about AT and make social media posts about AT and try to get trending with #AT or #AlexanderTechnique or…something. Anything. Because the second most asked question, after “What is this all about anyway?”, is, “Why have I never heard of this?”

There are many answers to that question. One that comes up often is: because Alexander lessons are not a ‘quick fix’, you don’t just walk in and get yourself put back together and walk out again. It takes time and concentration and frustration and overthinking and confusion and lots of other great words that don’t look good as hashtags. I’d love to get on Instagram and write a post that goes something like “You can learn #selfcare and be #painfree and #lovelife – contact me today!!! [insert a filtered/Photoshopped image of a beautiful glowing person here]. And I wouldn’t be lying – see the phrases in the last blog post – but being aware of your body sometimes means being aware of how much it hurts and how much you have been trying to pretend that it DOESN’T hurt. Sometimes the week or two after the first lesson or class is very, very hard.

So I will take a minute to thank all of my students who not only came back (!) but then tried to get other people to have a lesson. Often with limited success, but they tried. They tried to say what the lessons were like and how they felt and what they learned and how it should have been simple but it wasn’t. No one will ever hear about this unless their friend, sibling, neighbor, gym buddy, co-worker, or teacher mentions it…

And if talking about it sounds too difficult, you could always find a public place and lie down in semi-supine! That would be much easier!


Alexander Technique is Not Enough


The Alexander Technique? What’s That?